Ten million Britons alive today can expect to reach 100, new figures reveal Ministers will inject more than £300 million into researching ageing population Business Secretary Greg Clark will pledge …
Peter Diamandis, co-founder of Celularity and Human Longevity, Inc., explains how Silicon Valley can make 100 the new 60. Click on the link below to see the video on …
More than a decade ago, researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge began recruiting young, healthy Louisianans to voluntarily go hungry for two years. In addition …
You probably know the scientist George Church from the extravagant media headlines that have referred to his work in one way or another-about bringing back the wooly mammoth, using CRISPR …
“I am a bit concerned about your telomeres,” the doctor told me, evenly. Telomeres are the caplike segments at the ends of the strands of DNA that make up your …
This week the USDA announced it had no plans to regulate gene-editing technologies like Crispr, opening the door to a boom in designer foods. For years now, the US …